I’m a bi-vocational pastor. I do receive a little compensation for my work done at the church, but I still need to work full time outside the church to make it work. As any of you who are bivo or volunteer know, that means you can shave 40 hours per week right off of the top of what I am able to get done for the church. Plus, when I do get home from work, the last thing I want to do is work. I want to be with my family, be entertained, or maybe even hang out with friends.
For probably six months early on in my ministry, there was a lot of stuff that needed done and it was not getting done. It was becoming a major problem. I would constantly say, “There isn’t enough time.”
One day, I went through a list of excuses to God – time, money, energy, compensation. I think all of that was brought up. And then, like the Good Father that He is, He stole a line from my earthly father,
“That’s no excuse.” “Bu..bu..but.” “Don’t make me repeat it.”
So, I committed myself to stop making excuses. I realized all that time I spent making excuses can actually be used doing work for the church. Do I now have enough time, money, energy? Nope. Am I happier about how I am spending the time, money, and energy I do have? Usually. Am I still tempted to make excuses? Every day. But the point is that I am taking the little that I have, and instead of burying in the proverbial sand of Facebook, TV, or Farmville, I’m increasing it.
My challenge for you today is to go one week without making any excuses. I bet you will be surprised at how much you can accomplish.
good word Jarod! If you make a list of all the excuses why people don’t do things and then do away with the excuses then they’ll be able to do them. Thanks for your post!
Thanks for this article. I think you’ve really hit on something important here. The time we waste complaining about the time we don’t have can be astounding. One of my favorite verses to teach my own kids is Philippians 2:14 – “Do everything without complaining or arguing.” It is definitely applicable to our own lives as well.
I also think a lot of people buy in to the cultural phenomenon that equates busyness with success, and complaining about now having enough time is a way of proclaiming, “Hey, look at me! I’m so busy I must be successful.” They end up spending a lot of time talking about what they have to get done and a whole lot less time getting it done!
Thanks for your honesty, transparency and wisdom. I’m looking forward to reading more from you!