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Lindsey Whitney on Stuff Christians Like

One of the things that makes Kidmin1124 great is the collection of talented writers that we have.  Apparently, when they’re not busy writing for this site or for their own blogs, some of our writers are spending their time writing witty poems to help teach...

Give Me a Break

Admittedly, I have been doing way too much lately.  It’s like I just can’t stop and I know that it is costing me.  Unfortunately, what I’ve found is that no matter how much I do, there is always more stuff to be done.  On Monday, my wife informed me...

Thoughts from Seth Godin-Don’t Take It Personally

Check out this recent post by Seth Godin. “Don’t take it personally.” This is tough advice. Am I supposed to take it like a chair? Sometimes it seems as though the only way to take it is personally. That customer who doesn’t like your product...

And the Winner Is..

I will be selecting the winner of the What’s in the Bible giveaway tonight.  There is still time to enter.  The drawing will close at 5:30 pm central time.

Giveaway: What’s In the Bible

Tonight, I get to cross something off of my bucket list and meet one of my personal heroes.  After hearing that Phil Vischer, of Veggie Tales and What’s in the Bible fame, would be speaking less than two hours from me, my wife purchased tickets for the two of...