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Bless A Smaller Ministry

Being completely honest, there is no way we would have seen the success that we have in reaching people at our church if we had not had some larger ministries come alongside us from time to time.  We have received timely and needed donations that have served to...

Only 144 A Great Kidmin Deal

This is the third time I have told you about the deals from Only 144 and they just keep getting better.  This time, they are selling $1,074 worth of Children’s Ministry Resource for only $97, but the sale only lasts for 144 hours.  Not only that, but I will be...

Only 144 A Great Kidmin Deal

This is the third time I have told you about the deals from Only 144 and they just keep getting better.  This time, they are selling $1,074 worth of Children’s Ministry Resource for only $97, but the sale only lasts for 144 hours.  Not only that, but I will be...