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Kidmin Text and $25 For Free

I discovered this great new resource that I’m really excited to share with you. From the folks who brought us Only 144 deals and Children’s Ministry Deals, comes a new resource that’s sure to please. Not only can you get a steady stream of deals,...

Introducing Eric Samuel Massey

In December, I shared the story of what my wife and I have called our Christmas Miracle.  You can read the whole story here.  I am thrilled to announce the arrival of Eric Samuel Massey into this world.  He was born at 11:00 PM on July 24, 2012.  He weighed in at 5...

There’s An App For That

The popular Apple iPhone slogan is now a kids’ ministry curriculum.  If you are looking for a fun and relevant curriculum to use in your kids programming, take a look at the “There’s an App for That” series at Children’s Ministry Deals. ...

Initiative and Innovation Over Status Quo

Here is a great video podcast of Jim Bradford, the General Secretary of the Assemblies of God, discussing the importance of not just getting by but really excelling in our ministries.  I love this man’s heart and no matter your church size you will benefit from...

Race to the Finish with What’s In the Bible

When was the last time you had the words “Davidic Covenant” in your kids’ curriculum?  When was the last time your kids left church actually knowing what those words meant?  Exactly.  What’s in the Bible?, the innovative video series from Phil...