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FX In A Small Church

Let’s just get this out there, if you are in a small church like me, you are not alone. Most churches in America are under the 300 mark and many of those run less than 100. Yet, when I look out at the resources presented to churches day after day, they are...

What God Has Done

In the busyness of life, in the stresses of the present, it’s easy to forget what God has done in the past. I think that is why God was constantly reminding the Israelites to talk about the things He had done for them, why He instituted days and weeks of...

What God Has Done

In the busyness of life, in the stresses of the present, it’s easy to forget what God has done in the past. I think that is why God was constantly reminding the Israelites to talk about the things He had done for them, why He instituted days and weeks of...

Family Ministry: What It Means to Me

“Ohana means family.  Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.”  Ever since I first heard those words spoken by an adorable, animated, Hawaiian girl, they’ve resonated with me.  “No one gets left behind or forgotten.”  When I...