by Jared M | Aug 25, 2015 | Family Ministry / Orange, Ministry
I know this is a hugely personally discussion for some, so I want to just go on record in saying that below are my personal reasons for selecting public school for my kids. This is in no way meant to be a definitive post, but I do hope it serves as a contribution to...
by Jared M | Jul 10, 2015 | Family Ministry / Orange, Small Church Issues
Let’s just get this out there, if you are in a small church like me, you are not alone. Most churches in America are under the 300 mark and many of those run less than 100. Yet, when I look out at the resources presented to churches day after day, they are...
by Jared M | Dec 13, 2012 | Family Ministry / Orange
In the busyness of life, in the stresses of the present, it’s easy to forget what God has done in the past. I think that is why God was constantly reminding the Israelites to talk about the things He had done for them, why He instituted days and weeks of...
by Jared M | Dec 13, 2012 | Family Ministry / Orange
In the busyness of life, in the stresses of the present, it’s easy to forget what God has done in the past. I think that is why God was constantly reminding the Israelites to talk about the things He had done for them, why He instituted days and weeks of...
by Jared M | Oct 19, 2012 | Family Ministry / Orange
[tentblogger-youtube zwSn5ObK8-g] I saw this on Mashable and had to share.
by Jared M | Aug 2, 2012 | Family Ministry / Orange
“Ohana means family. Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.” Ever since I first heard those words spoken by an adorable, animated, Hawaiian girl, they’ve resonated with me. “No one gets left behind or forgotten.” When I...
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