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The Bivocational Kids Pastor

I recently had the great opportunity to do a taketen podcast with Sam Luce, children’s pastor extraordinaire.  Please take ten minutes (actually 12) and listen to what I had to say about being bivocational. Here is the link to Sam’s page so you can listen...

Orange From A Distance: The View

EDITOR’S NOTE: Welcome to Orange Week 2.0 here on Kidmin1124. In this post, Jared Massey shares some things he learned from Orange even though he wasn’t even there. Links to all of the other Orange Week 2.0 posts are included at the end of this article....

Orange from a distance: The Binoculars

Last year, I was unable to attend the Orange conference for a variety of reasons as lamented in this post on my blog.  I couldn’t go for the same reasons I rarely attend any conferences.  However, I committed myself to still gaining from the conference, just in a...