by Jared M | Mar 24, 2010 | Uncategorized
I DID IT! I did a craft with my preschoolers. Nothing major. A little coloring, a little cutting (I mostly handled this part), a little glue. It was just a train and they each got to color their cars however they wanted and then I put them together to make a...
by Jared M | Mar 22, 2010 | Uncategorized
Today I took this free personality test. I think it captured who I am pretty well. (Click here to see my results.) While this is certainly not the best personality inventory available, it is completely free. It is also short. Only sixteen questions and takes all...
by Jared M | Mar 19, 2010 | Reviews
The first time I saw this book at Barnes and Noble, I thought to myself, how in the world did they get my diary (it’s a journal by the way). To my satisfaction, it was not actually my journal, it was another wimpy kid’s. And to the readers satisfaction,...
by Jared M | Mar 16, 2010 | Creative Ideas, Ministry
I found this idea over at Effective Children’s Ministry and thought you all might enjoy it as well. These desserts provide a unique and creative way of telling the Easter story that could really get kids interacting with the story. Click here to go see the...
by Jared M | Mar 15, 2010 | Ministry
I’m continuing my series on Celebrating the Win. After the win has been successfully defined, you then need to budget how you will celebrate it. This can be as elaborate or as simple as your budget will allow, but you will want to plan it ahead. When you are...
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