by Jared M | Jun 29, 2010 | Ministry
Wow! This was a great weekend of ministry at our church. I would love to go into great detail about all that happened, but I do not want this post to turn into a novel. There is, however, one thing that you have to hear. This weekend, our church hosted a ladies’...
by Jared M | Jun 21, 2010 | Ministry
Today is the launch of a new blog designed specifically for those in volunteer or bivocational children’s ministries settings. Both of these have very specific needs and, as far as I know, this is the first blog of its kind. The name of the project is Kidmin1124. The...
by Jared M | Jun 18, 2010 | Resources
When it comes to conferences, there are three things that always get in the way of me going. Number one, the cost. Number two, conferences are never held anywhere near where I live (because I live in the middle of nowhere). Number three, they are usually during the...
by Jared M | Jun 17, 2010 | Ministry, Resources
A while back, the cutting edge free e-book, “What Matters Now in Children’s Ministry was released. It has seen tremendous success and a lot of discussion has flowed from it. If you have not downloaded the book, do so here If you...
by Jared M | Jun 15, 2010 | Uncategorized
This Sunday, I found myself stumbling around during the response/prayer time at the end of my lesson. I could barely find the words to say because what I was hearing was way better than anything I could think to pray. I told the kids we were going to do silent...
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