by Jared M | Sep 13, 2012 | Free Resources, Personal Development
CM Leaders, the children’s ministry leadership conference put on by INCM is happening today and tomorrow. I just found out today that they are live streaming the main sessions (no longer available). I’ve included the schedule and a link to the live...
by Jared M | Sep 13, 2012 | Ministry
Utilizing Twitter, I am compiling a list of the top quotes from the CM Leaders conference being held in Columbus, OH. The conference runs today (09/12) and tomorrow (09/13). I will be updating occasionally so check back often. Pride always leads to entitlement!...
by Jared M | Sep 10, 2012 | Personal Development
Six months ago, I logged on to to send myself a message. I thought it would be fun, but I also had a purpose behind it. I wanted to have a good way to check up on myself and make sure I was following the goals I had set. I sent myself an email and...
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