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What Your Pastor Can’t Tell You

Recently, my wife and I went through a rollercoaster of emotions as we dealt with many personal health struggles.  While this situation ended well for both of us, and also ended with news that we are expecting another child this fall, it was a long and personal...

The Secret Art of Batching

I know that this is not a secret, but I also know that it is an art.  The single greatest thing that I have done in order to keep myself productive is to batch my tasks.  Since I started doing this, I’ve learned more about why it works and have even seen ideas...

The Secret Art of Batching

I know that this is not a secret, but I also know that it is an art.  The single greatest thing that I have done in order to keep myself productive is to batch my tasks.  Since I started doing this, I’ve learned more about why it works and have even seen ideas...

Do You Take a Sabbath?

Six AM waking up in the morning, gotta get dressed, gotta go to church. Gotta have my ‘bux, getting on a roll, Checking everything, the time is going. Tickin’ on and on, I’m the one rushing. I just don’t have the time to, stop. Service is a...