The first time I saw this book at Barnes and Noble, I thought to myself, how in the world did they get my diary (it’s a journal by the way). To my satisfaction, it was not actually my journal, it was another wimpy kid’s. And to the readers satisfaction, Greg’s life is probably more interesting than mine anyway.
The movie version of this book series comes out today! I know of a few kids in my church who are pretty excited about it, so I’m sure other churches have kids that are just as excited. For this reason, I am including the link to the Plugged In review of the film. Sadly, it seems to have missed the mark that I know I was hoping for.
I’m sure I will have mixed feelings about this film even after I see. The point I would like to make is, even if it falls short of “the perfect kids film” (or maybe because it falls short) it is important that we use it as a springboard into discussion about appropriate and good behaviors. It will create discussions about being a good friend and being true to yourself.
Kids will almost inevitably see this movie no matter what my opinion is on it. Parents will almost inevitably take their kids to see this movie no matter what my opinion is on it. Without endorsing the film, we can still use it to our advantage. I’m not advocating showing the movie during kids’ church or anything, I’m saying when a kid tells you they saw the movie, be prepared to talk intelligently about it with them and to ask them questions.
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