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I was at the Illinois District Council of the Assemblies of God this Monday and Tuesday.  I fully expected to be able to write a little while there, but to my surprise, the hotel I was staying at did not have free wifi in the rooms.  They only had wifi by the conference rooms and in the lobby.  Since I didn’t feel like going down to lobby as late as it was that I finally got a chance to write, I figured you all could wait.  Unfortunately, here is what you missed out on.  What Matters Now in Children’s Ministry has been available since Monday!  You have missed out on two days of knowing what 33 of the leading minds in kidmin think matters most right now.

Here is what I love about this resource: 

  • It is completely free.  No cost or obligation, they just want to share their hearts.
  • It is quality.  The thing looks nice.  While I know this seems superficial, it speaks volumes of the guys behind it (Matt Guerva with Amy Dolan and Henry Zonio).  They wanted to do a quality product that is not only helpful, but appealing.  It also says a lot about Imago, who, I understand, donated the design work.
  • It is brief.  Sometimes these types of things are really wordy.  It seems like it takes entire books to say one idea.  While I do not doubt that some of these writers could have filled many pages with great stuff, it is nice to just get the point and get on. (I hear they were kept to 200 words which was surely tough to write but great to read.)
  • They are making a print version available in June for a nominal fee that covers production costs.  This is a plus for those that would rather have a print copy.

So, check out the book.

As an added bonus, you can now get What Matters Now in Children’s Ministry number 34 by hoping over to Dad in the Middle.