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Close this windowRecently, I was given a copy of God’s Kids Worship CDs for the purpose of writing a review for this site. I was given a set of the three Modern Worship CDs. The CDs feature the Grammy® and Dove nominated Bob Singleton Kids’ Choir. Each CD contains 14 songs. You can view the track list here. The following statements are my opinion based on my personal reaction to the CDs.

What I liked about them:

The songs are for today’s crowd. Many of the songs on the CDs are songs we currently sing in church, which means the kids are already familiar with them. The original songs on the CDs are in a similar style.

The sound quality is excellent. These CDs are obviously professionally recorded and as far as kids’ voices go, they truly are a talented choir.

The energy level is high, even on the slow songs. This is important because it is a healthy energy, not a crazy run around and scream energy. It encourages kids to participate in the worship instead of just sitting back and enjoying the music.

Both the original songs and the ones we already know are kid friendly. These CDs do a great job of using songs that have concepts that are not above the heads of the audience. Seems like a no brainer, but I believe this is a common mistake in kids worship. Many of the songs also feature action words.

The CDs promote a solid use of scripture. Many of the original songs are either pulled right out of scripture or are inspired by specific verses. In order to give our kids a better Biblical worldview, on the best things we can do is to incorporate bible verses into the worship experience and into their life.

What I wasn’t crazy about:

I am not that crazy about music that has only kids’ voices. It is a personal preference, but it is not without reason. My biggest concern is that the upper elementary age kids often get turned off as the music sounds too kiddy for their tastes. However, I must admit that after only a couple of songs, I was more into these CDs than I thought I would be. I found myself immersed in the energy of the music and enjoying listening to them. I should also add that I played some of the higher energy songs before a recent family event and the people responded positively to it.

Final thoughts:

I was honestly surprised by how much I enjoyed these CDs. I’ll admit that my expectations were not exceptionally high, but the quality of the music was excellent. After listening through the CDs for this review, I found myself listening again just because I liked the music. I also had a little chance through email to find out Bob’s heart. Bob wants to provide easy to use resources to help facilitate worship in small and large churches. I love this, because he understands how hard it is for smaller churches to provide quality materials, especially when extra volunteers are not available to help lead worship.

If they are not used for church worship, I think these CDs would be a perfect set to listen to in the car with your own children.  (As an aside, it was while listening to these CDs that my son said his first word, “God” during the song “Friend of God.”)

You can purchase the CDs here. They can also be purchased individually, but you get a pretty good discount for buying all three.

*Disclaimer-I was provided a set of the CDs by God’s Kid’s Worship, however, this in no way impacted my opinion of the materials and the thoughts I have shared are solely mine.