I have pretty well finished our promotional flyer for our upcoming summer outreach. We do a three night “Kids’ Adventure.” This is a very high energy, fast paced event and the kids in the area really look forward to it. This year, we’ve added more prizes, more slime, and a better set (hopefully) than ever before! All that is great, but it isn’t worth anything if nobody shows up. So, tell me, what do you think of this flyer? I really want honest opinions here, so don’t be afraid to hurt my feelings. I know there are things that can be better, that’s why I’m asking you in the first place.
Some things to jump-start your brain. What can I do in the middle to utilize some of that space? A hot air balloon? If I added some slime on a couple of the buildings in the skyline, would that look better or worse? In just a minute, do you get the details you need to attend the event, or are they lost in everything else? And if anyone from the church is reading this, I know the dates are wrong. I’ll fix that in the final edit.
Thanks for the help!
Pastor Jared
I love the idea, and I think it looks great. I don’t think I would add anything in the middle of the picture. I would worry about too much clutter if you add much more to it. I would make the bottom green road sign into two signs if you can. The bottom lines of text don’t seem to be aligned right either. Can you put “More prizes ahead” on the 2nd yellow sign rather than on the green road sign? Also, I would go with “Registration: 6:00-6:30” and “Event: 6:30 – 7:45” If you take the word “from” out of both it will leave more space. You probably ought to have contact information on there somewhere if people want more information. Is there anything silly/funny you can “hide” in the grass on the side of the road? Maybe you can have some sort of farm animal getting slimed (that would get your slime idea in there).
There are just a couple of thoughts.
Great ideas! Thanks for the help.
Jared, this looks clean, bright and engaging. But you have hit the nail on the head, the open area in the middle is dull.
The main purpose of your flyer is to convey information, so I would increase the size of your “signs” and text, since you have that space. Simply putting another object like a balloon in the middle would clutter the design to no purpose.
You could get rid of one of the side signboards, and turn it into a overhead gantry style thingy. It could span the road in the middle ground – perhaps the Welcome to Kidsville one.
Also, the Nintendo prize sign looks lonely and a bit small. You could bump that up a bit.
On a positive note, you have done what many people fail to do – you have stuck to one font! I am so glad! And it looks good, too.
I like the feel of this design very much and with a tweak or two it will be very attractive and informative. If I were a kid, I’d come to your Kidsville if I saw this!
Also good suggestions. I was thinking that if I put a balloon, it would have to have some piece of information with it, but I didn’t know what that would be. I like the gantry sign idea so I’ll have to see what I can make happen with that. I’m not really that great at graphic design, so a lot of this is very difficult and time consuming for me.
I don’t know what you can do (my suggestions are already way beyond my ability), but what if you went with the overhead sign for Welcome, then instead of a car, put a semi on the road with your logo and information about the event on the back of the semi. Then you could kill the yellow sign (which Lin noted seem a little lonely) and announce the prizes on the big green sign. Just another possibility.
This looks fabulous. IF I changed anything, I would make the airplane with the banner a bit bigger. To add a balloon would be too much. The only other thing I thought of was a billboard on the right saying something like “Get slimed up ahead” or something like that. That’s really the only thing you don’t cover in your info and that is not totally necessary but it sure is a good drawing card for the kids.
Really a great graphic and design to start with. My suggestions are much the same, increase your sign sizes and separate into two. If this is going to attendees only, then I would keep all of the info you have. But if this is going to recruit kids to come I would shorten up a few lines,
1. Widen your red banner a tad and add times under the dates, so the WHEN is all together
2.I would enlarge the DS sign a lot! I just saw it after I was intensely looking at everything, for me it got lost. And that is a huge draw! I’m thinking about stealing that idea for ours next year!
3. Really great work! I am surrounded by a congregation of graphic artists to the point it can be frustrating, but they have always thinking about what I want to communicate and to whom in my sleep! You really did a great job on both!
In Christ,