This week, it is very exciting for me to get to make you aware of what is probably the most valuable resource I’ve ever done on a Free Resource Friday. Many of you are familiar with the Orange strategy. Orange is the strategy of combining the red (love) influence of the family with the yellow (light of Christ) influence of the church to impact the next generation for Jesus.
Well, Orange is ALSO a curriculum and they are giving it away for three months! That’s right, one of the hottest curriculums on the market is available for three full months for zero dollars and zero cents plus zero dollars shipping and handling. Here is the link for you to check it out for yourself.
I have used the 252 Basics curriculum in a large church setting (during my internship) and the small church setting (now) and I can honestly say it easily adapted to both. In BOTH cases, there was an element of rewriting and adapting, but it was so easy. All the files are provided as a PDF which are flashy and look great but also take a lot of ink and are not easily customizable. “But you just said it was easy.” Yep, because the files are also provided as Word documents that are fully editable. There are different files that are geared toward the smaller age groups (k-1st, 2nd-3rd, 4th-5th) or there is a file for small churches like mine that is specially formatted for the k-5th spread of ages. You can do like I do, and mix and match with a simple copy and paste. It also includes the Family Experience curriculum, which really could be a standalone piece, but I’m thankful it’s included. If you already use 252 Basics or if you would rather try something else, they also have First Look for early childhood ages, which I’ve never used, or xp3 for student ministries, which I just recently downloaded the free trial of and have yet to use.
I won’t go on too long, but I will also say that the experiences that I have had with the Orange group customer support have been fantabulous. Service has always been quick and friendly.
You really have nothing to lose. Sign up to try it or even sign up just to see what it looks like. If you have any questions about how we’ve used the curriculum, email me pastorjaredm(at)gmail(dot)com. Just know that I am going to encourage you to sign up for the trial no matter what church you go to.
This offer will expire in December so go get your free download already.
Bonus resource! The Orange Group is also giving away their new leadership development resource for the month of October. Go here to see what it is all about. You can actually sign up until Nov. 15, but you only get the resources from October no matter when you sign up, so there’s no use waiting.