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Zach Krause, you have won a ticket to the Orange Conference!  Congratulations!

Today, registration opens for Orange conference 2012.  I’ve been teasing all week about giving away a free ticket to the upcoming Orange Conference in April and I’m finally ready to divulge all of the details.

I thought it would be fun to make a little game out of this.  So far this week, I have written six of the ten posts on my “Top Ten Things I Loved About Orange Conference 2011,” with two more posts coming today and the final two coming tomorrow.  Starting at noon (CST) tomorrow, Friday, September 23, one word in one of those ten posts will be colored orange.

This game will require a little bit of luck (finding the right post before anyone else), a little bit of skill (being faster than everyone else), and maybe even a little bit of strategy.

The first person to comment on THIS POST with the correct word and the link to the post where it was will get the ticket.  I will be tweeting a reminder a little before noon, so it might be wise to follow me on Twitter if you don’t already.  Please be aware that if you have not commented before, your comment may be held for moderation.  It is still time stamped and I will officially declare the winner in an update to this post.  Please don’t get too excited until you have seen me declare the winner.

Good luck and may the orange be with you!

orange conference

Disclaimer: The free Orange ticket is provided by Orange and does not include travel or accommodations.

Orange is a financial partner of Small Town Kidmin.