Drum roll please….LANNY DONOHO. Out of all the wonderful experiences I had at the Orange Conference, one man will forever hold the number one spot in this top ten list. Why? If you have to ask, you’ve never been to Orange Conference. Lanny is the comic host that plays off of Reggie Joiner as the credible host. He is stinking hilarious. And extreme. You truly never know what he is going to do next. I don’t even think Reggie knows what he is going to do next. (Truthfully, I’m not sure Lanny knows.)
Out of all the outlandish things that Lanny did in each of the main sessions, the best had to be his motorized toilet (though the Godoculars were pretty spectacular). Seriously, he rode that toilet around the conference center wearing a uniform of a British Palace Guard. I was unable to secure a picture of this event, but if you watch the Orange ’11 highlight reel on the Orange Conference website, you can see it and some of his other hijinks.
Here’s to you Mr. Donoho. You are my hero and my favorite thing about the Orange Conference 2011.
If you’d like to judge for yourself whether Lanny deserved this highly coveted honor, you need to be at Orange Conference 2012. I’m giving away a free ticket to one lucky reader today. You can also register online at theorangeconference.com. The earlier you register, the better your rate.
This post is part of Think Orange Week 2012.
Disclaimer: The free Orange ticket is provided by Orange and does not include travel or accommodations.
Orange is a financial partner of Small Town Kidmin.
How do we win the ticket?
Unfortunately, you missed out on the ticket.