Halloween is fast approaching and I’ve already mentioned a creative family experience idea. In that post, I shared about the need to engage culture. I know that many people like to put some sort of evangelistic piece into the hands of kids on Halloween. I think this is a great idea, but only if it is done well. Something hokey only irritates kids (I’ve literally seen them throw it right away) and often frustrates non-Christian parents.
One resource I have found that presents the Gospel in an engaging way for kids is the Welcome to Holsom comics. I’ve used the Adventures in Faith one through the years as a follow-up when a kid makes a decision to follow Christ. I think that it could also be effectively used at Halloween. Kids love comics and this one is fairly well written, the art is good, and it gets the kid thinking about what it means to follow Christ.
The rest of the Welcome to Holsom comic series is a little grittier and probably should be used for older elementary students or preteens, which is the target audience. I’ve not read all of the comics, but I’ve enjoyed the ones that I have read.
Here are some product details. The Adventures in Faith comic can be purchased for $1.59 a piece. The other comics can be purchased individually by issue (prices range from 1.95-1.35 depended on quantity and 24 different issues available), purchased in sets of three issues (3.99 a set with 8 sets available), and now in graphic novel form with six comics in each novel (12.99 per graphic novel with four volumes available). They will also be releasing a teen version soon with the same kids having grown up. The concept art looks pretty great.
Have you used Welcome to Holsom in your ministry? What are your impressions? What other QUALITY resources would you recommend?
Disclaimer: I’ve written this article out of a desire to share this resource with you. I did not receive any compensation or any products to review.
Photo credit: Gospel Publishing House Used with permission.
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