Last night’s Kidmin1124 radio show was another success. We discussed dealing with difficult people and our questions ranged from dealing with kids, volunteers, and parents. I’m once again embedding the audio at the end of this post in case you missed the show.
As we talked about dealing with difficult people, I just can’t get out of my head how my God has constantly been patient in dealing with me. I’m reminded of 2 Peter 3:9 which says, “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” What if we applied this to the way we deal with others. If the drive to see people come to repentence overrode our desire to see them punished. I especially think this would change how we deal with difficult kids in our ministries.
I firmly believe that grace is one of the greatest tools we have in children’s ministry. Grace doesn’t excuse bad behavior: it forgives it. I don’t think grace says, “Oh, it’s no big deal.” Grace, at least in my life, is the constant reminder that it is a big deal, but I’m a bigger deal. God cares more about me than He does my sin, so much so that He sent His son to die for me. God has been patient with me, even when I constantly fail Him. How much more so should I be patient and show grace to a child? I’m committed to giving the kids in my ministry at least as many chances as God has given me, which means I should run out during about year 1,948,893,543 of eternity (assuming I’m perfect from here on out).
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