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I’m a children’s pastor in the Assemblies of God.  This is something I am terribly proud of.  That pride has only increased since Spencer Click shared this video on his blog.  There are some great resources being put out that I hope will be beneficial not only to A/G churches but to churches of all denominations or of no denomination at all (for the record, the A/G is not a denomination but a “volunteer cooperative fellowship”).

I’m so grateful for the vision God has given our fellowship’s leadership, especially as it relates to kidmin.  We have some excellent leaders who are really shaking things up and working hard to resource churches in fresh and exciting ways.

My favorite part of the video is the augmented reality Fire Bible app.  I love the Fire Bible and think it is one of the best elementary bibles on the market (and love the student version as well).  To see the Bible come to life through an app takes it to a level I’ve not seen anywhere else.

[tentblogger-youtube HwMy31UBU5I]

What’s your favorite thing in the video?  What other new resources are coming out that you have heard about?  What resources would you like to see?