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Last year, I was presented with the awesome opportunity to visit Atlanta, Georgia for the 2011 Orange Conference.  This was an excellent experience and I regretted being unable to attend this year.  I know it’s silly, but one of the things I missed was the “swag bag” you get with all kinds of little goodies and free stuff.  I had this thought.  There are many of you who, for reasons probably similar to me, are not able to attend conferences and missed out on Orange Conference 2012.  Wouldn’t it be fun to still get a little swag even if you weren’t there?

If your answer is yes, keep reading.  I worked it out with Orange and they put together a little swag bag for one lucky reader of Small Town Kidmin who was unable to be at Orange Conference this year.

Update: The winner is Jonathon Mitchell.  Thank you everyone for your comments.

Here’s how to win.  Leave a comment below telling me one thing you learned from the Orange Conference even though you weren’t there.  If you need a refresher, check out my notes warehouse or orange slices post.  For a second chance to win, tweet the following: “@pastorjaredm is giving away a #thinkorange swag bag to someone who missed #oc12. Get the details here #kidmin” 

You must still leave a comment for your tweet to count in the drawing.  I will select one winner at random on Wednesday, May 30, 2012.  Entries must be received by 11:59 on Tuesday, May 29, 2012 in order to be eligible.

Disclaimer: This giveaway has been provided by Orange.  The “swag bag” includes a billboard bag, Think Orange water bottle, and a copy of the new book by Reggie Joiner, Zombies, Football and the Gospel.