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My friends over at Orange really believe in their curriculum.  They believe that using Orange curriculum will better help your church combine the influences of church and home to reach the next generation.  They believe so passionately about it, they are willing to let you try it completely free.

I believe it too.  I believe it because I’ve used their curriculum and it is the easiest, most complete curriculum I have been able to get my hands on.  It is highly customizable but also offers more stuff than one church could ever use.  The folks at Orange believe in the small church and have put a ridiculous amount of work into making their curriculum usable and affordable in churches my size.  It was not always this way, but I’ve seen tremendous advancements in their offerings over the last couple years that have made this a worthwhile investment for even small churches.  I’m not going to pretend like it is a perfect curriculum or even that it is the best one for your church, but it has served my church well.  I’m currently using 252 Basics and XP3, so that means I get to sample some stuff too.

I’d like to encourage you to give it a try.  Right now, you have nothing to lose.  You can sample any or all of their offerings including XP3 for teens, 252 Basics for elementary, First Look for preschoolers, Married People for…well…married people, or YouLead for the leaders in your church.  Get your Free Orange Curriculum today.

Have you used Orange? Do you love it or could you leave it? Let us know in the comment section.