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Free Resource Friday: Kidzmatter

Kidzmatter, the producers of K! Magazine, the Kitchen curriculum, High Power Sports, and other great resources has just launched a brand new website to house all of their resources (and there are a lot of resources).  I’m excited about the new site.  It’s...

Free Resource Friday: Kidzmatter

Kidzmatter, the producers of K! Magazine, the Kitchen curriculum, High Power Sports, and other great resources has just launched a brand new website to house all of their resources (and there are a lot of resources).  I’m excited about the new site.  It’s...

Passion Needs a Cause

In yesterday’s post, I talked about the need for passionate people over great ideas.  However, what I left unsaid was the need for something great to drive that passion.  History is full of very passionate people who pursued absolutely terrible ideas.  These led...

Great Ideas Are Cheap

I’m in a stage in my life where I’ve been looking for and dreaming up some great ideas.  Some of those ideas are to solve a particular problem and some of them are just for the sake of finding great ideas, but I’ve learned one thing:   Great ideas...