Kidzmatter just recently launched their all new website which is loaded with great stuff. They also have added a digital only subscription option to K! Magazine for those that do not wish to have the physical copy (the digital subscription is included when you purchase the physical option). Right now, they are offering a free digital download of the entire July/August issue. That’s a big deal, but I’m about to make it even bigger.
In the July/August issue you will find an article about being a bivocational pastor written by me. That’s right, I was honored to write an article for K! that was published in the issue they are giving away. In addition to that, only a few pages before my article is one by my hero, Phil Vischer. There are many more great articles in this issue.
If you want to try out K! magazine or if you just want to read the article I wrote, go ahead today and sign up to receive your free download.