This week is Orange bloggers week. Naturally, you’d think that a post this week titled “Lessons from Orange” would be about something I learned at the Orange Conference, Orange Tour, or from some other Orange endorsed resource. Actually, today, I’m sharing a lesson I learned from NFL quarterback Peyton Manning.

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While last night’s performance by Manning was downright terrible, something said about him during the pregame caught my attention. While talking about Peyton’s strengths as a leader, the announcers made the statement that Peyton has the ability to make the other players on his team look great. His leadership style and his athletic ability are focused on making each player on the team as good as they can be, because Peyton understands it’s the team that wins games.
Lesson 1: It takes a team. If Peyton ran onto the field and told the other guys to take the week off, he’d not only be destroyed, there is no way he could win. Even as talented and intelligent as he is. To many children’s leaders are trying to be a one man show and it just cannot work for long.
Lesson 2: Make others look good. Peyton strives to make other players look good. He does this by creating scenarios and calling plays where they can shine. As children’s leaders, we need to set our team up for success. We should be making sure they have the necessary equipment to do their job well, but also that we are putting them in places where they can lead strong.
How are you setting up your team to succeed in ministry each week?
Registration for the Orange Conference 2013 starts September 27. You can visit for more details.
Disclaimer: No compensation was received in exchange for this post.
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