How great would it be to have Jim Wideman stored in your computer? If you are not familiar with Jim, he is a children’s ministry and leadership expert with over 30 years of experience. Unlike some people who claim to be experts, Brother Jim really knows his stuff. I’ve had the great opportunity of learning from him in a variety of ways, through conferences, his books, his monthly leadership club, and even through his personal coaching via Infuse. I cannot quantify just how great of an impact this man has made in my life. And now he can be yours for the low, low (and quantifiable) price of $97.
Only144 deals has consistently put together package deals that are a tremendous blessing to children’s ministries across the country and around the world. Their commitment to provide thousands of dollars of resources for under a hundred dollars is always impressive. Their current deal features resources from Jim Wideman, tons of them. You need to go to their website to see everything you get, but I assure you, this is a deal you do not want to miss. In addition to the great resources everyone gets, there are some really great deals available for the first people to order, so you want to make sure you get the deal quick.
Brother Jim is an extremely down to earth leader who communicates clearly and always with humor. He is easy to listen to, but that is not why so many people seek his advice. The reason thousands of kidmin leaders listen to and respect Brother Jim is because his advice is the most practical on the market. It is nearly impossible to hear him speak or read a book of his and not formulate a list of things you can do that same day to improve your ministry.
With this Only144 deal, you get access to Brother Jim at an unprecedented level. I’ve spent far more than $97 total by purchasing many of these resources separately.
This deal starts Friday, September 28 at noon Eastern time. Seriously, you want to set your alarm for this one.
Disclaimer: I did not receive any compensation for this post from Only144 or Jim Wideman. I do have a lot of respect for both of them, however.
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