Update: Both tickets have been given away and I’m happy to report that I feel that the recipients are very deserving. I’m glad to see how this worked out and thankful for the folks at My Healthy Church for making it happen.
I have been blessed with two free tickets to the Children’s Pastor Conference in Orlando next week, but I will not be able to use them. I’m looking for someone to use them, but since it is so close, I do not want to run a contest or anything. Here’s the deal. The first person to give me a legitimate reason to give them the registrations gets them. I’ll also separate them, so if you only need one, let me know that too. Leave a comment or send me an email through the contact me form.
- These tickets only cover registration and not travel or other expenses. This is a great opportunity for someone who is already going to bring a spouse or other team member.
- Please do not waste these. If you honestly do not plan to go, please do not try to get them. That would just be rude.
- These tickets were provided to me by My Healthy Church.
- If I haven’t given both tickets away by Friday afternoon, they will be forfeited so I’d like to give this away as soon as possible.
- Sorry for the late notice.
Please help me spread the word! Tweet it, put it on Facebook, call your friends. Let’s bless someone and get them to Orlando!
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