Not sure if you were wondering or not, but just in case, here’s a little update. I just finished up a major migration of all of my sites, including this one, to a new host. If you do a lot with websites, you know how much of a pain that is. If not, well, just be glad you’ve never had that experience. Now that everything is moved and seems to be working properly, I’m ready to get back into the swing of posting regular content and resources for you. YAY!
But at a personal level, there has been a lot of stuff that has gotten in the way of blogging but has been a major blessing to me. At the beginning of the year, I left my second job working as a wire clerk at a bank. This job had served as my home 40 hours a week and enabled me to continue to do ministry in my small church while still providing for my family. For a while now, I’ve felt that the job was no longer where I needed to be for a variety of reasons. After much prayer and searching, an opportunity came for me to join the team of At the time, I was not fully aware of what my job description would look like, but I knew it was the right place for me to be.
I’ve been working with ROAR for the past three months and I’m loving every minute of it. I’m working with a variety of churches helping them build and maximize their apps. It’s a customer service position which is something I am wildly passionate about, so it fits me well.
Because of the arrangement with ROAR, which is not full-time work, I have been able to spend much more time working with my church. This was the biggest win of the whole deal. Over the last few months, our church has been through a lot of stuff and up until January we had never had a pastor that kept office hours (both myself and our senior pastor worked full-time day jobs). Over the last few months, I’ve been more available to our church and have been able to be there for hospital visits, funerals, and just those moments when they need to talk.
I thought once my new job arrangements started, I’d have tons of time to write. That has not been the case, but consider this post the shot in my arm to get me back into writing. I have discovered a ton of new resources that I just cannot wait to share on here. Also, next week I will be posting live from the Orange Conference, which is always a treat.
Jared – congrats on the new job! Thrilled to hear you are in a place that values you, and that you value – talk about #winning! Well done!
Thanks Keith!
I’m happy about your job for you, our family, our church, and your blog. It has been a great change! Love you.
Hey Jared — I’ve fallen out of touch with blog world a bit with moving (boxes! boxes! boxes!), but I’m getting caught back up and I’m excited to hear about your new job! Way to go!!