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I discovered this site quite a while back, but hesitated to share it because of the quantity of stuff that was available. Seeds is a ministry provided by Church on the Move out of Tulsa, OK. They do a fantastic job with their ministries and have decided to make all of their resources available for free. This is great especially for small church with no curriculum budget. You can get high quality material for free and you don’t have to design everything yourself.

seeds resources

They have a variety of resources available including, children’s curriculum, youth curriculum, adult sermons, audio files, graphic stuff, and motion worship songs and loops. Everything is free to download and use and it is well worth your time to browse the site.

I’ll be honest, what I’m most excited about is the kids worship music I found. These are excellent videos that we will be incorporating immediately. I downloaded all of them to use. I also downloaded a few of the worship loop backgrounds and have already started using them.

The resource site is located at or just click the image above.