If you’ve ever not gone to a conference because of the cost. If you’ve ever avoided a training because you couldn’t travel that far. If you’ve missed out learning from others because you couldn’t get time off of work. If any of these apply to you, the CM Websummit may be just the thing you are looking for. This year’s Websummit is October 26th through the 28th and the full schedule is available on their website.
First off, it’s free. The base ticket includes access to all of the sessions for the ridiculously low price of $0. There are two premium ticket options which allow you to download the sessions for future viewing and include other perks, but the base ticket is totally free.
It’s all online, so there is no travel involved. You can watch it at home in your jammies or view it from the office or anywhere you can access the Internet.
The speakers know what they’re talking about. While I do not know all of the speakers, they had me at Dale Hudson. The full speaker list is available online, but when you have folks like Dale, Tricia Peach, Jeremy Collins, and Jeff Mccullough in the lineup, you can be certain that these will hit the mark. Even if you regularly attend conferences, this one is different enough that it will likely be a great addition to your schedule.
I, for one, am grateful for people who are willing to do the work it takes to put on an event like this. The fact that it is free tells me that the motivation here is simply to equip the children’s ministry community. It’s a heart I have always shared and I’m thankful for those who are making stuff like this happen.
Sign up for the Children’s Ministry Websummit (This is an affiliate link. By clicking it, you are signing up for the event and helping a brother out.)
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