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Review: Read and Share Bible

I was recently given a copy of the Read and Share Bible to review.  The Read and Share Bible is published by Thomas Nelson publishers.  The Read and Share Bible has over 200 Bible stories.  I think the Bible is appropriate for toddlers through early elementary age....

Gut Checked in Kids’ Church

This past Sunday I was talking to the kids about kindness and seeing people the way God sees them.  I challenged the kids to do one act of kindness this week by saying something kind.  I went further and asked them specifically to tell their lunch lady that they...

Tearing Down Walls

Our church is growing.  It is exciting to be a part of a church that is growing both spiritually and physically.  But a growing church does not come without its own unique challenges.  For us, the biggest challenge right now is space.  We do not have the space to...

Bible Reading Challenge Week 7

I really fell behind last week on keeping up with this challenge.  Unfortunately, I haven’t been able yet to catch up completely, but I’m getting there.  I hope to be back on track with the schedule this week.  Speaking of this week, you will definitely...