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#2 Thing I Love About Orange Conference 2011

It Changed Me. If you look at pictures of me before I left for Orange Conference and then pictures after I returned, you’ll notice something. I pretty much look the same. But if you were able to look at my spirit, you would see some drastic changes. What...

#3 Thing I Loved About Orange Conference 2011

Practical Solutions.  One thing about me is that I am a practical person.  I can philosophize with the best of them, but I seldom choose to do that, simply because it doesn’t really help anybody.  I’m about being practical and helping people understand...

#4 Thing I Loved About Orange Conference 2011

It Energized Me.  No, I’m not talking about the free Land of a Thousand Hills coffee, though I really did love their coffee and it certainly gets honorable mention in my top ten list.  And anyone who has been to Orange Conference knows that I’m not talking...

Win a Free Ticket to Orange Conference 2012

Zach Krause, you have won a ticket to the Orange Conference!  Congratulations! Today, registration opens for Orange conference 2012.  I’ve been teasing all week about giving away a free ticket to the upcoming Orange Conference in April and I’m finally...

#5 Thing I Loved About Orange Conference 2011

The People.  There is something that is so refreshing about meeting with people who share a similar mindset of ministry with you.  Orange Conference is full of those kinds of people.  Sure, the “hows” of doing ministry span a large range.  This is to be...